How to Connect Smart Home Devices and Home Security Systems

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How to Connect Smart Home Devices and Home Security Systems


Whether you are away from your house or at home, staying secure and comfortable has never been more convenient. Home automation allows you to have control over many features in your home. Voice commands can let you take that control a step further when syncing to your favorite smart home device. Let’s take a look at how smart home devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo can integrate with your smart home security system from ABC Fire and Burglar Alarm.

Voice Controlled Security

Locking your doors and securing your alarm system can be done simply with voice control commands.  Already in bed and not sure if your security system is armed? Say “Okay Google or Alexa: Ask – Is my security system armed?”

Voice Controlled Lighting

With voice control commands you can interact with your smart lights by device or group. Let’s say you are busy cooking and need to turn on your front porch light for your dinner guests. Simply say “Alexa or Okay Google: ask to turn on the front porch light.” to ensure that your guests are welcomed to a well-lit home.

Voice Controlled Comfort

Stay comfortable with the voice control command that controls your smart thermostat. When you say, “Okay Google or Alexa: Ask to make it warmer or cooler.” your smart thermostat will increase or decrease your home’s temperature by two degrees.


To get started open either the Amazon Alexa or Google Home apps and connect the feature with your login credentials. If you do currently have a smart home security system and are looking to take the next step in protecting your home through home automation, contact us to schedule a visit with one of our security consultants for a free quote.