Security Systems | Custom Alarm | Security Cameras

Security Systems | Custom Alarm | Security Cameras

Hidden versus Visible Outdoor Security Cameras — Which is Better for your Home?

Hidden vs. Visible Outdoor Security Cameras — Which is Better for your Home?

When looking into installing a security camera system for your home there are many things to consider. Will you install indoor or outdoor security cameras or both? How many security cameras will you need? Where will you place your security cameras? Should your security cameras be hidden or visible? ABC Fire and Burglar Alarm’s security consultants consider all these factors to ensure your indoor or outdoor security system is tailored to your specific needs.


If you have chosen to add outdoor cameras to your security system, the next step is to determine the location and visibility of the cameras. The best locations for outdoor security cameras will vary from home to home based on traffic and entry points. When choosing the visibility of the outdoor cameras, consider the reason behind installing the surveillance system and these benefits.


Visible Outdoor Security Cameras Benefits

Having security cameras placed visibly can help deter criminal activity. Visible cameras indicate that a property is protected by a security system that turns criminals away. Outdoor cameras that are placed visibly also have a wider range of views and are less likely to have an obstructed view.


Hidden Outdoor Security Camera Benefits

To avoid cameras being tampered with by more bold criminals, hiding security cameras may be a better option. Hidden security cameras allow property owners to monitor discreetly and will be able to record unsuspecting criminals in the act.


Whether you choose to have your security cameras hidden or visible you will be adding protection and value to your home. Contact us today to receive a free quote for a home security camera system.

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